Hey hey again.
This week was like the best week of my mission, and also probably the worst. Haha it's funny how those always seem to go together. We had one investigator we've been meeting with since I got here shoot downhill, but hey our other investigators progressed so much this week. Annnnd so we're going to focus on that!
Highlights of this week. We started the week renting Tandem bikes for P-day with the Elders. Talk about being connected as a companionship
We spent the whole day riding around and exploring our area. We found some cool things, almost hit some people, and got all kinds of weird looks. I guess its not very often you see two Americans riding a bright yellow two seater bike down the road.
We got to go on exchanges twice this week, THE best. On one of the exchanges we were talking about movies late one night and the Korean sister i was with said one of her favorite American movies is, "The Fart in our Stars." Ah Yes, to each his own
We had some super awesome appointments with investigators and members this week. We had one appointment with our investigator and a member who came and as we were sharing our message our investigator shared her testimony on the power of the Book of Mormon and prayer. She shared how the first time she met us was the first time she ever had prayed and how it was changing her life. This girl is seriously amazing. Her love for the Book of Mormon inspires me. Her testimony is on fire and she's growing so much!
We had an interesting Sunday, but the coolest miracle. We have an investigator we met the other week whose younger and we haven't really been able to meet meet her, shes always so busy with school she only has time to come to church on Sunday. Definitely not complaining. Anyways, she's gotten really tight with the young woman and leaders in the branch, like she literally doesn't even need us, these branch members are amazing! She came running up to us before Young Women's and said, hey will you teach me how to pray? I'm the closing prayer. It was the first time she had ever prayed! Then after church she had all these questions about church vocab she didn't understand and baptism. Super neat. The power of member missionary work is intense.
Transfer calls are coming this week. We finally get good at living here as two super white Americans, and it could be over. I mean when we cross the street now, cars actually stop! Not ready if I'm ready to leave Gyeongju but here we go.
Last I just wanted to share a quote I read this week. It's from Elder Holland's October 2013 General Conference talk, "Like a Broken Bessie." It said, "...remember the Saviors own anguished example: if the bitter cup does not pass, drink it and be strong, trusting in happier days ahead." Things don't always end how we think, or go as we expect, but I learned a lot this week that in the end, it always goes as the Lord plans. Sometimes that is the worst pill to swallow, it seems unfair, or hard to understand, but the Lord knows each of our hearts and needs. I know He knows and is looking out for each of you.
Sending love♡
Sister Stout
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