Monday, March 6, 2017

On Wednesday's We Wear Polka Dots!

I can't even begin to describe how much I love the MTC!! This has been a week of trend setting and hard work. My district decided since we are all Sisters that we needed to get some trends going, so now every Wednesday we all match, yup we're that district. And I'm totally proud to be part of it! 

We've grown so much in our teaching this week. It's incredible how far we have come. Not to mention our Korean mistakes in lessons always keep us laughing. My adorable companion Sister Akagi was explaining to our investigator that after Jesus Christ died the apostles were killed, but she accidentally told him that Jesus Christ killed the apostles. Our investigator looked SO confused then kept saying, really? And we kept saying yes confidentally, until about the third time when we realized something must be off. The next day in our lesson with our other investigator she made sure to say, Jesus Christ did NOT kill his apostles. That investigator looked equally as confused, and it was THE BEST. I don't know if we're ever going to stop laughing about it! Later in that lesson I was teaching about how God calls prophets. Our investigator asked if God would call him to be a prophet through his smart phone. I didn't know how to back myself out of that one! I think I just said no, definitely not the best way to handle that one, but my vocab is pretty limited. 

This week has been crazy at the MTC, we got 300 new missionaries on Wednesday! It's amazing to see all of the people here giving their time to the Lord, I absolutely LOVE it. Not to mention on of them was Madi Peck and her bedroom is right across the hallway from mine in our residence. I get to see her all the time and it's the best. It's the perfect little piece of home I needed. 

Fast Sunday's in the MTC are officially my favorite thing in the whole world. I don't think I've ever been to a sacrament meeting where the spirit was so strong. The whole day was just incredible. I got released as Sister District Training Leader and called to be the Zone Sister Training Leader. I'm so excited for the opportunity I have to serve the amazing missionaries in my zone. It's crazy to me because once our Senior District leaves next week *tears* we will only have 3 Elders. We won't even have enough Elders to pass the Sacrament, we're all hoping that our new group of missionaries that come next week will have more Elders. I've been so blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing Sisters. They help me become a better missionary everyday and I am so excited to be able to serve each of them. Well excited and nervous, the Sister whose place I'm taking did such a good job, I have big shoes to fill. I hope that I can make all of the missionaries fill as loved and welcomed as they all did for me. 

I've learned so much this week about the importance of Charity. Developing Charity really is the most crucial step, not just to missionary work, but in life. Without Charity it doesn't matter how amazing we are, or how well we know the gospel, or how often we attend the temple. When we focus on developing charity we are able to come to know our Savior so much more. He will guide us through it all. We were watching a broadcast from Elder Bednar this week called "How to recognize the Spirit" And he said, Quit worrying about it! If you're doing your best and what you're doing is in line with God's teachings, then press forward. God will guide your foot steps. He can't lead and direct you if you're not moving. I'm so thankful for my Savior. I know that He lives and that He loves each of us. He will lift us through all of our trials and make us more than we could ever imagine.
Lots of Love, 
Sister Stout
This is all of the Sisters that came in the same week as I did. I absolutely love them!

Sister Holyoak took this lovely picture after a long day of class and we were trying to put together sentences!

On Wednesday's we wear Polka Dots!

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