Flight Plans!! |
My district with President and Sister Facer |
Sister Holyoak and I |
We have to keep entertained somehow! |
After 9 solid weeks at the MTC I have a firm testimony of hand sanitizer and excessively washing your hands. I am proud to say after 9 weeks here I haven't even gotten a cold! When I first got here everyone said to just plan on getting sick multiple times and that everyone is always sick. My first thought was HECK no! I can proudly say I met my MTC goal of not getting sick, to all of my future missionary friends, it is possible!
This week has been a roller coaster of emotions, from seeing insane miracles, to leaving to Korea next week. It started out with a Devotional with Lexie Walker who came and sang to us. The choir sang back up with her and that was awesome. I had no idea who she was, but she's 15 and a professional singer. You all will have to look her up, she's amazing!
We took a trip into the real life world. Sister Holyoak had to get some pills for her knee and it was the most eventful thing ever. The thought of actually leaving the MTC in a week seems fake! Sometimes I forget I'm actually going to be serving in Korea, it feels like the MTC is my mission.
I've had all kinds of things I thought I knew were facts questioned this week, starting with animal sounds. I was telling what I thought was a clever joke, but then none of the natives laughed. (That's not just because I'm bad at telling jokes) They all looked confused and said, "Cows doing say moo, they say meh." First, whaat!? I've been spending time this week relearning my animal sounds. Who knew animals in other countries made different sounds!? Teasing them has become my new favorite hobby at the MTC, or only hobby. They're the greatest people alive! We always share American candy with them and they'll share random Korean candy with us. Sister Hwang loves chocolate! She won't eat any other candy, she said "No thank you I like chocolate." She also loves hugs, so it's safe to say we are getting along really well!
We got our flight itineraries this week! We will be leaving the MTC at 6:20. From Salt Lake we fly to Seattle, then we have a four hour layover in Tokyo. I'm so excited! Sister Choi says she will show us her favorite more authentic things to eat in the airport. After that we are off to Korea! I'm so thankful for the time I've had at the MTC, but I'm so excited to be able to get out and start serving! We sang our "bye bye song" in Sacrament on Sunday. It was so sad, we all cried like children. Each week we all prepare talks then they choose three people to come up and speak. I managed to not speak once during my nine week stay here, I take great pride in that!
Every day we have an hour of gym time. We have gym time with most of the same missionaries every week so we get to know them pretty well. I was playing four square (that's right, throwing it back to Elementary School days, except MTC four square is some intense stuff) and there is an Elder I was talking to that knows my new mission president. He was telling us all about how awesome they are and we were just having the general missionary talk about where we were going and how the language was coming. I left to go play volleyball with some of our natives and people in our zone. This Elder came sprinting over to grab the four square ball that had rolled onto the other side of the volleyball net and didn't see the string to the net. He sprinted into it and it threw him onto his back. I've never seen anything more scary in my life. He hit his head so hard. As we all started to realize what had happened the people in charge came running over. He was unresponsive for so long I honestly thought he was gone. He started seizing and had so much blood coming out of his ears. As people were doing their best to help him while we waited for what seemed like forever for the EMTs and ambulance, the feeling in that gym was unlike anything I've ever felt in my life. Looking around, every missionary in that gym had dropped to their knees. The faith of every person in that room was being exercised in behalf of that Elder. The feeling was undescribable. I know we weren't along in that room, there were angels all around that Elder. Not only was I 100% sure I would never see that Elder again, I didn't think he would ever be the same. Less than two days later I was in absolute shock to see that Elder in the Cafeteria. Not only was he back and ready to serve, you couldn't tell anything had happened. He was completely fine except for bruising he said he had from the rope to the volleyball net.
I know we weren't alone in that gym. There were angels all around us watching over that Elder. The Lord has people he needs him to serve, and with the Lord on our side anything is possible. He can make the impossible possible. He can lift us through trials and carry us when we don't have the strength to walk. I know He is always watching over each of us.
I send my love.
Sister Stout
Luke 18:27
Hello Hello Mom and Dad!!
Sister Choi approved of my picture that Nan gave you. The one that says Return with Honor on it? She says we got it right! It really does mean Return with Honor!! Tell Nan I'm so proud of her! Also I heard a cool rumor this week, and I don't know how accurate it is but it's been floating around our zone. Sister Hwang and Choi told us it. They said that when President Hinckley dedicated the Seoul temple he blessed it and the people that North Korea would never invade South Korea as long as the members kept their covenants and attending the temple. Since then everytime something has happened or North Korea threatened, they randomly ended up not or things got in the way. Isn't that cool? They were telling us about the power and protection the Seoul temple has brought to the members in Korea.
I'm so excited to go to Korea, a little nervous, but mostly excited. I'm mainly excited to not eat MTC food anymore. I am so tired of cafeteria food! It'll be so much fun! We've been learning a lot more about the culture this week and it makes me so excited!
So I got a fun Dear Elder from Mason this week addressed to Sister Logan Stout!! I thought it was so funny!! I took a picture to send to you! It was the best!
Sister Choi approved of my picture that Nan gave you. The one that says Return with Honor on it? She says we got it right! It really does mean Return with Honor!! Tell Nan I'm so proud of her! Also I heard a cool rumor this week, and I don't know how accurate it is but it's been floating around our zone. Sister Hwang and Choi told us it. They said that when President Hinckley dedicated the Seoul temple he blessed it and the people that North Korea would never invade South Korea as long as the members kept their covenants and attending the temple. Since then everytime something has happened or North Korea threatened, they randomly ended up not or things got in the way. Isn't that cool? They were telling us about the power and protection the Seoul temple has brought to the members in Korea.
This week has been a heart tugging week! I'll tell you about it in my group email because I'm too lazy to type it twice and it's a long story! There have been all kinds of miracles at the MTC this week. I love and miss you all! Have the best week!
Your favorite Daughter

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