This is Sister Earnshaw. She is THE best annnd left me for Korea this morning!! |
This is us with our teachers! Brother Reynolds is on the left, then Brother Lees on the right. They're both RMs from Korea.
This is just a fun mix of people from our zone! |
This is us setting up the flags in front of the MTC building for service. It's our favorite service job, way better than pulling hair out of the drains! |
This is me pulling Sister Pearce around in our flag cart during service, her face says it all. |
Featuring our best temple selfie |
The MTC is a magical place. I feel like I say that so often, but it really is! We got our Korean name tags this week. It's so insane, I can't believe it. We are also officially the Senior District. We had to say good bye to our Senior District this morning and it was the worst thing ever. They're absolutely amazing and have taken such good care of us.
This week's weather has given us life! It's been the best. We got to have class outside and even a surprise fire drill, but none of us were complaining. It was a week of matching in our district. We had Floral Wednesday, messy bun Thursday, and french braid Friday. We may have gone a little over board, but hey you have to embrace it.
During class this week I had a magical bag of jelly beans by my desk and grabbed one, I quickly came to find out it was coffee flavored. Not just your average coffee flavored, it was sooo strong. Within a minute, my super sniffer companion Sister Holyoak, asked why it smelled like coffee. Everyone agreed and our teachers were asking the same question. I had to confess it may have been my jelly bean and we all about died laughing. I understand putting this situation into words is difficult, it may be a "you have to be there" thing, but I think it was the greatest! We all got a bathroom break to let the coffee smell die down, then had a 2 minute refresher on the Word of Wisdom, which I got to help teach! Our teachers are seriously angels from above. We learned a bunch of new prayer structures this week too! Everything sounds so similar to me, after we got done praying we got informed we were praying to our Dear Heavenly Dirt Spirit. It's a good thing that what really counts is that we tried and Heavenly Father knows what is in our hearts!
Sister Akagi and I were memorizing the baptismal questions this week during gym time while we were riding the exercise bikes and this adorable lady that works there came up to us. She's from Korea and is here to learn English, it was the best! She helped us with our pronunciation and answered culture questions we had. When we recited the baptismal questions to her, she said YES she would be baptized!! Officially our first committed baptism, the fact she's already a member is only a minor set back. She told us how impressed she was with our Korean and how well we could read so that's been a huge confidence boost!
We get a new investigator this week, we also start a beautiful thing called Skype TRC. We Skype members from Korea and teach them lessons once a week. I'm so nervous that I won't know anything that they're saying. I joked with my cute companions that now I can just slide out of the camera space and no one will even know I was there. It's a win win situation. Our in person investigator is named Sister Yoon. She is from Seoul and is attending BYU. I'm super excited to teach her!
I learned a lot this week about faith. Not just having faith and exercising faith in Christ, but having the faith to not have our prayers answered. The question has been asked a lot, Do you have the faith to not be healed? There are so many times in the scriptures where their prayers weren't answered in the way they had hoped. Sometimes our prayers aren't answered the way we had hoped or asked for, but they are always answered in the best way possible. Christ knows exactly what will help us grow the most and make us the best person possible. Do you have the faith to trust in his plan? Do you have the faith to not be healed? When our faith is tested is when we are able to grow the most. I know that through Christ we can do anything and he will carry us through it all. He never leaves us alone in any trial we face, even when if feels like it isn't going the way we want it to. When we make the decision to let Him take over, that is when we can grow beyond belief.
I send my love!
Love, Stout 자매
Oh, Laken! That jelly bean story is hilarious! Good luck teaching over skype! That's awesome! Love you!