Luau! |
Two girls I teach English to at the Luau |
JinHae...Beautiful! |
Us with Sister Thompson! |
Kennedy hair taking over the cute picture.
Love you! |
For Elder Sam Yiou's last night a member took us all up to a point to over look JinHae after a fireside we attended. |
Sister Brady and I at the Luau! |
Dinner at a members house |
Sister Brady and I on evacuation day! |
Our 72 hour kits and off to Busan! |
At our mission conference! |
Overlooking JinHae. |
Mission Conference and Good bye to President and Sister Barrow |
Hey everybody!!
I feel like I'm still standing here wondering how this week is already over.
We've had such a busy week! So the highlights of this week have been that first we had an emergency evacuation practice! We got a call at 6:30am that said grab your passport and 72 hour kits and get to the mission home by 9:30. (We were supposed to have zone conference, so no one had plans anyways) It was quite the adventure of the morning. When we got the mission home, the whole mission was there! We had Mission Conference instead of Zone Conference and went over a bunch of safety information. We also said good bye to President and Sister Barrow as they will be leaving soon and our new mission president will be coming. It was a bitter sweet time!
This week we also put on a huge Hawaiian luau! We did it as a huge ward party and a way for the members to invite their friends and do ward missionary work. The whole night was just awesome! We ate Hawaiian food, taught Hawaiian luau dances to everyone and then had a talent portion. People in the ward sang, performed dances and the four of us missionaries learned a traditional Hawaiian dance to perform! (Shout out to Elder Sam Yiou, we couldn't have done it without our favorite and only Hawaiian missionary) The whole night was just perfect! I was so impressed with all of the members hard work in helping us put it on.
The biggest highlight of this week was our investigator accepted a baptismal date of July 9!! I don't think I can fully describe how much of a miracle this has been for us and here in Korea. My trainer has been here over a year and has never seen a baptism, kind of crazy. We are so excited for her. It has been amazing to see her grow and change in the gospel. It really changes lives if we are willing to let it.
I love you all!
Sister Stout
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