Hey everybody!

Today the Wi-Fi at the church went out so we ended up with no email time, so if I didnt email you back, sorry, next week!
Christmas miracles just keep on going, this has been another fantastic week. If feels like they just always get better and better.
Best thing ever this week. So Sister Oh wants to learn all kinds of American slang so we've been teaching her. Well Elder Lee made her a set of flash cards full of popular American slang (and not so) and boy has she been studying them. We were getting ready to leave the house and head an appointment and we kneel down, pray, get ready to leave and she says, "Lets blow this popsicle stand!" After i got control over laughing, I was like....hmmm.... probably dont say that in America! She also likes to write down all of the slang she hears me say, which lets just say isnt the best. The other night we sat down getting ready to go to bed, she pulls out her planner and says she has some English questions. Well, she had written down all the slang i had said that day and wanted to know what it all meant, the difference between oh crap and oh crud, when to use which... it makes you really think about what you say when you know someone is writing it all down!
This week was full of Christmas activities!! We had a Christmas party in Busan, where our district performed (and nailed) a dance to a remix of a Christmas snowman song. We may have less friends now because of it but it was totally worth it. We also finished caroling to all the members houses this week and planning our ward Christmas party. The ward Christmas party, thankfully, went good and we liced! We put together a skit of the differences between America's Christmas, Korea's and New Zealand's. (Because that's where Elder Paul is from) Then at the end tied it together to Christ and the reason for the season. And Santa made an appearance at the party too, aka autimatic huge success.
Even cooler than Santa though, biggest miracle. The branch here is pretty small and our building is just the second floor of this office type building. Which means, everyone knows everyone and everyone knows if someone new comes. Well that night this man was walking by and was drawn to the church. He came in walked around a bit, then walked up to the Elders and said, I want to learn about your church, there something special here. The Elders are going to start teaching him next week and it was such a cool miracle to be able to see. Christmas time is such a cool time to be a missionary.
I hope you all have a great Christmas and remember the reason for the season.
Sending love
Sister Stout
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