A failed picture we tried to take on the bus. (Just for you, it's blurry) |
We had FHE at a members house and played the flour game. It was so fun, their kids loved it! |
Hello Family!
Ah what a week. As always, too much to type and no time.
Transfer calls came. Sister Oh and I will be staying in Gyeongju and STLing. We are super excited we get to stay together another transfer. But plot twist, they broke up the fantastic four early and Elder Schimbeck got transfered out of Gyeongju. We were super sad, but he's going to go do great things other places!
We have a less active we visit every week named Gulmira and she's from Khazakstan. We are helping her learn Korean and just help her live more comfortabely in Korea. She's absolutely adorable and has the cutest little girl. Their family is just so cute. So when we teach her we have to use a translater. Anywho, she's been needing a job. But because she can't speak Korean, it's hard, she doesn't have a car, so it has to be close, and she has to be home by 5 to take care of her little girl when she gets home from preschool. AKA their are so many restrictions. We've just been praying like crazy for us to be able to help her find a job, and the Elders have been trying to help her husband find one too. Because they don't know Korean, they can't really just call places, and reading the newspaper to find new jobs is hard, so we've been helping them after our appointments. When we met with Gulmira a couple weeks ago we promised her if she kept our commitments and came to church, that the Lord would provide and she would find a job. We've been praying like crazy for everything to work out. Last week the Elders found her husband, Slava, a job!! And this week we were able to find Gulmira a job that fits perfectly with all of her restrictions. It was such a cool testimony builder to us all that the Lord will always provide when we put Him first. I'm so thankful for this time I have to be an instrument in the Lord's hands. Serving a mission has been the best decision I've ever made and there is no where else I'd rather be. To any of my cute friends, if you're thinking about serving a mission or aren't sure, my advice to you is to do it. You won't regret it I promise.
Merry Christmas Season everyone!
Sister Stout
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