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Last District Meeting! |
It's so cold that all of the water in the toilets at the church froze! |
The coldest day in Korea after we got punked and were making our painful walk home! |
Our investigator 이시은
Yummy!!! |
A dog we saw with a purple tail! Oooh Korea. |
Hello everybody! It's me again.
This week was just kindof funny. I got my new companion, Sister Monson. She's a doll. Every member that she has met so far at first like freezes, and says..."Like President Monson?" And then the longer they look at her, it's followed by, "Oh my gosh you looked like him too!" It's hilarious. We haven't successfully gone to bed this week before 12 yet because we can't stop talking and laughing. I literally feel like I'm a new beehive back at Girls Camp and can't close my mouth! And the craziest thing is, we were talking and I mentioned something about Burley, and she stopped walking. Looked at me and said that her Mom grew up and Burley and that's where all of her family on her mom's side lives. Whaaat? I think the phrase it's a small world is over used, but woah it definitely applies!
This past week was the coldest week that Korea has had in over 6 years! It definitely felt like it. There was specifically one day that was the coldest Korea has had for forever (The humidity and wind goes to the bone!) I just have to tell this story, it's too funny and pathetic not to! So that day we had a lunch apppointment at one of our Less Actives/Recent Converts house with the Relief Society Presidency. (big deal!) We're super tight with this lady, except...she always likes to punk us! She's a little special needs and I think she feels a lot of love knowing we come over to her house. I don't know. Anywho. It's all set and we leave the house and make the 30 minute walk in the freezing cold to her house. Knock, and she doesn't open the door. Hahaha but we can totally hear her in there telling her dog to be quiet so that we don't hear here. We call her, reject. Again, reject. I call the Relief Society President and apparently the morning of she sent a text to all of them canceling...except us! And there we stand in the freezing cold. Poor Sister Monson...Welcome to 경주!!...? Hahaha good first day!
That same day we went on a wild goose chase to find this Less Actives house. I can't address in America, let alone in Korea, but after walking up every street we foound it! Later, my ears hurt so bad and were super itchy. I kindof just ignored it and then later we were at our MCM Leaders house and somehow got talking about the beginning stages of frostbite. Hahaha yes. I got frostbitten. Stupid. And our MCM leader is like my Korean Dad and gave me the talk about why we wear a hat...hahaha.
We had the coolest appointment, I think of my mission, this week. We are teaching this girl right now, 이시은, and she's seriously so prepared. Before we met her she had never prayed before or even heard of the word baptism. It was cute, when she was saying the closing prayer she said the word baptism wrong because she seriously couldn't remember what this new foriegn word was! She is soaking in the Book of Mormon like a sponge and just takes every verse to heart. She asks us to send her texts of scriptures randomly during the day and then she'll screenshot it and put it as her background. (SO CUTE) We taught her about Baptism this week and she just lit up and told us how she believed everything we have been teaching her.
Watching Christ's love and light touch her life the last couple weeks has been incredible. It truly has the power to change lives.
Sending love!
Sister Stout